NAAUSA Endorses HALT Fentanyl Act

Representative Morgan Griffith
House of Representatives
2202 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative Griffith,

On behalf of the National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys (NAAUSA), representing the interests of the over 6,000 Assistant U.S. Attorneys (AUSAs) working in the 94 U.S. Attorney Offices, we write to express our strong support for the HALT Fentanyl Act (H.R. 6184).

As you know, fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances (“FRS”), often referred to as fentanyl analogues, are having a devasting impact on communities across the country. These substances are extremely lethal and causing overdose deaths at an unprecedent rate.

In 2020 alone…

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