Pay Inequity One Sheet

The Impact of Pay Inequities on the Administration of Justice 

 The Administratively Determined (AD) pay plan, which Assistant U.S. Attorneys (AUSAs) are subject to, creates a significant pay disparity between AUSAs and all other DOJ attorneys. Aside from clear equity issues, the disparity negatively impacts recruitment and retention of the more than 6,300 criminal prosecutors and civil attorneys most directly tasked with administering justice across our nation’s 94 federal judicial districts. The current pay system over relies on the goodwill on AUSAs who are willing to take a pay cut to serve their country. This is unsustainable and places our U.S. Attorney Offices at a disadvantage in the recruitment and retention of qualified personnel. Without top talent our criminal justice system cannot adequately serve and protect the American people. 

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Letter to AG Garland on Telework


NAAUSA endorsement letter, Jaime Zapata and Victor Avila Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act, 2021